Real Time Reporting – How ProjectProCan Save You Money!


The construction industry is risky business. Being able to identify and manage risks at the drop of a hat is not only time consuming, but costly. On the other hand, being unable to identify and manage risks can become just as costly, if not more.

Assessing risk is not only about job site safety. Financial risks can make or break a company. Whether you are on the project team, coordinating materials and time frames for a project, in the accounting department coordinating cash flows, or an executive looking ahead to new business opportunities, having real-time access to information when and where you need it is imperative to avoid unnecessary financial costs and project delays.

Having an integrated construction accounting and project management software, like ProjectPro, arms your company with the very best and most up to date reporting available. Whether you are handling change orders, accounts receivables & payables, payroll or other project related tasks,ProjectPro keeps you organized, and gives you a real-time picture of how individual projects and company are performing.

Present-day construction project management software is based on integrated cloud technology which gives you the advantage to have real-time project reporting that helps you predict potential business outcomes and coordinate with owners, subcontractors, and the internal office. Collaborative efforts not only keep you projects on schedule butalso avoid delays to the overall project.

Timing is Everything!

In an industry where ever the smallest delay can become very costly, real-time, integrated systems are a must-have to mitigate risk associated with inaccurate data and data lags. Additionally, advanced reporting options gives you an overall view of the projects with the ability to “zoom in” on specific data.

Additionally, systems that offer cloud-based access provide project managers with pertinent information such as timesheets, material costs, delivery schedules and budgeting data, allowing them to keep watch of their projects while they are in the field.

If your company is still working with multiple, stand-alone, systems that require data extraction and manipulation before sharing with internal and external employees, you could be missing valuable information to improve profitability.

Effective Project Control

The real-time reporting capabilities of a solution like ProjectPro allow you to keep your field teams and office staff in the loop, while capturing every single detail of the project, minimizing the risk of things going awry.

If your company is operating on standalone systems as mentioned above, we invited you to schedule a free demo of our advanced construction accounting and project software, ProjectPro. Our knowledgeable team will listen to your concerns and answer any questions you have. We can also offer company specific recommendations to help expand your reporting capabilities and improve your processes and profitability.

For more information, contact us today!

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